Jordan Honickman

Unearthing Canadian Originalism: Reflections on my Conversation with Justice Stratas

30 Jan 2019
Unearthing Canadian Originalism: Reflections on my Conversation with Justice Stratas

Personal Injury

Michael Jordan and Asher Honickman have litigated hundreds of personal injury actions, both on the plaintiff and the defence side. They have tried a number of cases before judges and juries. On the plaintiff side, they have obtained significant sums for their clients, whether by way of settlement or judgment. On the defence side, they have been successful time and again in having claims against their clients dismissed or significantly reduced.

Jordan Honickman Barristers offers a No Fee Guarantee, meaning that you do not pay unless the case is resolved in your favour. Our tenacity, dedication and unique knowledge of the defence/insurance industry will help ensure that we obtain the very best deal for you.

Click here to read Asher Honickman’s recent blog post on expert evidence and trial conduct in personal injury claims.

Asher is passionate about the law. He has a diverse practice that includes civil and commercial litigation, defamation, insurance, employment law, personal injury, long term disability, professional misconduct, along with administrative and constitutional law. Asher has appeared at every level of court in Ontario, along with the Supreme Court of Canada. Read more...
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